Tuesday, 20 July 2021


In this post you should include a link to your published website.

You must also include written evidence of intentions you had but couldn't execute them due to COVID-19 restrictions.

It could look like this...


Website link: www.owiunoweiunfowier.wixsite.com

Intended evidence:

Video element: Below you will find examples of what I wanted to include in the video element of the website:

1. Images of annotated storyboards or shot lists.

See document on changes to A Level on Showbie.

Intertextuality: part of my intention with the home page was to include an element of intertextuality that linked to the type of art and illustration used, such as art work from Andy Warhol and photography from (see your practitioners). I wanted to include.....

Convergence: As well as adding the actual main tasks to the website, I also wanted to add hashtags and social media logos on the front covers.  This would direct my audience to our social media platforms and encourage them to start or join conversations with similar minded individuals.

Extra Photography or art: xxxxxxxxx

Extra text: (could like to further intertextuality depending on the font chosen).

Costumes in images or video footage: This would link very well to intertextuality.

MAIN TASK - Layout

 In this post you should include your main task or a link to it (if you uploaded your Music video or TV opening sequence on YouTube).

You must also include written evidence of intentions you had but couldn't execute them due to COVID-19 restrictions.

It could look like this...



Issue 1

Front cover

Contents page

Issue 2

Front cover

Contents page


Link to video


Link to Youtube Radio programme


Intended evidence:

Intertextuality: part of my intention with the front covers of both my issues was to include an element of intertextuality that linked to the type of art and illustration used, such as art work from Andy Warhol and photography from (see your practitioners). I wanted to include.....

Convergence: As well as adding the website details to the front covers and contents pages of both my publications, I also wanted to add hashtags and social media logos on the front covers.  This would direct my audience to our social media platforms and encourage them to start or join conversations with similar minded individuals.

Extra Photography or art: xxxxxxxxx

Extra text: (could like to further intertextuality depending on the font chosen).

Costumes in images or video footage: This would link very well to intertextuality.

Planning Task 6 - Schedule

 The purpose of this task is for you to identify potential production dates and try to stick to them.

TASK 1 - Create a new post and title it: "NEA Planning Part 6 - Schedule"


TASK 2 - Create a calendar that highlights your chosen production/photography/filming dates and activities. 

Make sure these are realistic so that you can stick to your plan as much as you can.

You can use the apple calendar available on your mac... OR Google calendar.

Apple calendar:
If you do this one you'll need to print screen the calendar and put the pictures on your blog.


Google Calendar is also a very good option as it lets you embed it on your blog.

This is a list of all Production and Post-production activities that you need to undertake are (depending on your chosen brief):



  • Why do you think it's important to produce a schedule of activities when working on a production?
  • Name 3 activities you're likely to struggle with?
  • What are you going to do in order to achieve these difficult activities?

Planning Task 5 - Casting

 The purpose of this task is for you to identify the actors/models/interviewees you're going to use in your products.


TASK 1 - Create a new post and title it: "NEA Planning Part 5 - Casting"


TASK 2 - Write a short introduction to the post describing what you intend to achieve.  You may use the sentence at the start of the post to help you come with your own intro.


TASK 3 - Create a profile for each of your models/actors including the following information:

  • Name of actor/model
  • What makes this person suitable? Why did you choose this person?

You could create a Top Trump Card kind of design or perhaps just a Powerpoint Presentation to put this information across.. Why not use Flashcards too?

E.G... Using PPT.


Planning Task 4 - Location information


The purpose of this task is for you to assess and identify the locations you're going to use for your photography/video.

TASK 1 - Create a new post and title it: NEA Planning part 4 - Location Information


TASK 2 - Write a short introduction about what this post is all about...use the small sentence above to get you started.


TASK 3 - Produce images for each of the locations you intend to use and place them in the blog.

You need to include the following information about them:

  • Address.
  • What makes this location suitable?
  • What risks/hazards does the location have that could potentially make your work difficult?


You can use any software you like... you could use a table in Word or PPT or you can use more advanced digital technology such as Padlet, Flash cards (quizlet or Goconqr) and/or Popplet.


Planning Task 3 - Product Profile


Learning Objectives:

  • K: the importance of sketches and planning in the decision making process of creating a magazine.
  • U: how to use sketches to influence your stylistic decisions.
  • BAT: undertake a creative task in which you start the decision making process in terms of style of your magazine.


TASK 1 - Open a new post and title it: "NEA Planning Part 3 - Product Style Profile".


TASK 2 - Write an introduction to the task that combines the learning objectives into a short paragraph.



If you're doing the Magazine and Website task: Produce up to 4 different sketches of each of the pages you need to create.  These sketches should show a development journey from initial ideas to a final one.  

You need to gain feedback from peers about each of your designs as you produce them and improve these according to relevant feedback.  YOU NEED TO MAKE A RECORD OF THIS FEEDBACK.

If you're making a video: Produce a short summary of content of your music video, would it be narrative based? Would it be performance based? Would you use both styles? Would you show the artist? Then you need to start writing either a shot list or a storyboard of potential shots you're going to use and their order.

If you're making a Radio Programme: You need to write a script that details all elements of your show, including: dialogue, music, music bed, idents, competitions (if any), sound effects (if any), other content such as News, Weather, guests, phone ins, etc.

You need to gain feedback from peers about each of your ideas as you produce them and improve these according to relevant feedback.  YOU NEED TO MAKE A RECORD OF THIS FEEDBACK.



Individually, sketch your website... see the illustration below and look at the elements that need to be included.

You're making two pages... remember... your home page and ONE linked page, so you need to sketch a range for both.



Make sure you take photos of all your sketches or other paper work and upload them to your PPT.  Then answer the questions below:

  • How useful did you find this step in terms of deciding what style you're going to be pursuing? 
  • How useful was peer feedback to improve your work?

Planning Task 2 - Mood boards


Learning Objectives:

  • K: the advantages and disadvantages of using a mood board to inspire content of new media product.
  • U: how different types of images and fonts can affect the way audiences consume media texts.
  • BAT: produce a mood board that illustrates your initial ideas for your media product.
  • CO: Use media terminology throughout.


TASK 1 - Open a new post and title it: "NEA Planning task 2 - My Mood Board".


TASK 2 - Click on the link below and review your chosen brief...


  • What brief did you choose? State the two products you're required to produce.
  • What are the minimum requirements for your chosen productions?
  • What is the target audience as prescribed in the brief?
  • What is your target audience for the products you're creating? (this needs to link to the audience profiling post).


TASK 3 - Write an introduction to the task.  This needs to explain what you're going do... in this case it needs to be along the lines of:

"In this task I'll explore different types of images, fonts and colours to use in my......... .  I shall be looking at different connotations and how these affect the way my target audience might view my product.  By creating this mood board I will also be exploring creative ways of how to present my work".


TASK 4 - Create a series of mood boards (at least 2 - one for the main product and another one for the online counterpart) that give an indication of the types of images (may include photos and/or illustrations), overall colour scheme, types of fonts and colours you are considering using in your productions.

You might want to use technology (an app) or plain paper, found pictures and glue.

If you choose to use the latter (paper, pictures and glue) you must then take pictures of your finished mood boards and email them to yourself so that you can upload them to your blog later on.

Your mood boards needs to have a selection of text (type of font, sizes and colour), colour themes and kind of images that would help explain they style and concept of the magazine you want to make.

You could also use pictures you have taken yourself - this will make your mood board more relevant to what you're doing in your productions.

Here are some examples of mood boards... what do you think makes them effective?


TASK 5 - When you finish the mood boards you need to analyse them answering the following questions:

  • How did they helped you define content for your products?
  • What will be your overall colour scheme of your productions?
  • What kind of images/shots would you use in your productions?
  • What kind of fonts would you use in your productions?
  • What kind of mise-en-scene would you use in your productions?
  • What kind of intertextuality would you use in your productions?
  • Which media theory(ies) are you likely to use in your productions?

Planning Task 1 - Audience Research

 Learning Objectives:

K: about audience segmentation.
U: how audience segmentation effects media products.
BAT: conduct research and create an audience profile for your individual product.
CO: Use media terminology throughout.


Task 1 - Create a new post and title it NEA Planning task 1 - My Audience"


Task 2 - Go to www.surveymonkey.com, create a FREE account and create a 10-question questionnaire asking people what they like and dislike about media products of your chosen brief.  For example:

Brief: Magazine.
1 - What is your age? (you MUST include this question in your questionnaire).

2 - What is your gender? (you MUST include this question in your questionnaire).

3 - Which of these music genre do you listen to the most? (select ONE).
    - Rap
    - RnB
    - Rock
    - Pop

4 - Which kind of photography would you expect to see in a front cover of a Rock Magazine? (select ONE)
    - Close Ups.
    - Medium Shots.
    - Long shots.


You need to think of questions that will give you answers you can use to produce your product, so don't just ask questions for the sake of asking questions... Remember that all your research MUST be useful towards the making of your final product.


Task 3 - Invite peers to answer the questionnaire... you can do this via sending them a link via email.

You must wait for the students to answer your questionnaire before going to task 4.


Task 4 - Review your results and copy and paste any graphs or charts given by surveymonkey.  Then you need to write up your findings in paragraph form including how you intend to use the information collated in your questionnaire.
You can use the questions below to help you write your analysis:
  • What did you find useful about the information collated? 
  • How are you going to use the information collated to establish/define a target audience for your product? 
  • What does your audience expect to see in the product you're going to create?
  • How are you going to use the information collated to come up with designs and house-styles for your product?


The last piece of writing you need to do should be an explanation of who your target audience actually is now... Please define your audience by gender, age, socio-economic class, likes and dislikes... together with the rest of the other categories as described in the brief.