Component 2 - Section B: Long Form TV Drama

As part of your in-depth study, you should use all the areas of the media theoretical framework (including theory) in relation to their chosen set television programmes to consider, for example:

  • the influence of technological change, including digitally convergent media platforms on the production, marketing, distribution and exhibition of long form television drama in a global context (including the impacts of digital distribution platforms on the contemporary global television industry).
  • how audiences consume and interpret long form television dramas in different ways, including a consideration of demographic and technological factors related to consumption.
  • how media language can be used to subvert or challenge genre conventions and a consideration of other factors such as genre hybridity, intertextuality, multiple narrative strands and fandom.
  • the media form specific elements of media language use to create meaning such as camera shots, angles, lighting, settings, locations, costumes, props, makeup, editing and sound.
  • the values, attitudes and beliefs conveyed by representations and the social and cultural context of these.
  • how representations may invoke discourse and ideologies and position audiences.
  • how audiences response to and interpretations of media representations reflect social and cultural circumstances.
  • all relevant contexts, for example, a consideration of the economic context behind the large budgets currently given to contemporary US long form television dramas. 

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